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5 Reasons Social Interaction Is Crucial for Children During Summer Breaks

5 Reasons Social Interaction Is Crucial for Children During Summer Breaks

Summer break is here. While children may cheer for freedom, extended time off from private schools can also lead to boredom. Social interaction is key to keeping your child happy, engaged, and learning during those long summer months. Let’s look at some of the top reasons to prioritize social connection for your students this summer. 1. Prevents Learning Loss Studies show students can lose up to two months of academic skills over summer break. Private schools often offer summer camp…

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School Improvement Planning – Essential Tips for Academic Institutions

School Improvement Planning – Essential Tips for Academic Institutions

School improvement planning is a crucial process for academic institutions looking to enhance the overall effectiveness of their programs and services. It involves setting goals, identifying areas for growth, and implementing strategies to achieve desired outcomes. This blog will explore essential tips to help academic institutions develop successful school improvement plans that drive positive change and support student success. Establish Clear Goals and Objectives The first step in school improvement planning is to establish clear, measurable goals and objectives that…

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The Most Essential Tools for New HVAC Professionals

The Most Essential Tools for New HVAC Professionals

The HVAC career market is an evergreen industry. If you’ve recently begun considering a career in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, you’ll need some tools before you begin. Luckily, there are plenty of HVAC tools for sale. HVAC technicians are in extremely high demand. According to Front House Solutions, the HVAC manufacturing industry sits at around $14 billion. With no shortage of needs, there is ample opportunity to create success in your business. First, you must identify and obtain the…

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Children Learn Through Play

Children Learn Through Play

Lev Vygotsky, an early 19th-century psychologist dedicated much of his life to learning about how children learn through play. Before the advent of the 19th century, not much thought was given to how children develop. Learning through play has been determined to be one of the best ways for children to learn. They hone their social skills, learn how to settle conflicts with others, they learn how to negotiate during play, and take their experiences and apply it to other…

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Famous Old School Tattoo Designs

Famous Old School Tattoo Designs

If you’ve always wanted to become a tattoo artist, there a few things you need to know before you dive right in to the trade. First, not just everyone can become a successful tattoo artist without heading to a tattoo college. You will need to apply for these colleges and be willing to submit a resume and/or portfolio of your artwork to make sure that you are competent in drawing. If the option to get a tattoo education at college…

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