If you’re looking to get into a new hobby, why not make jewelry? It’s a very rewarding experience as you can not only profit from it, but you can also wear what you make. This process can be difficult to learn, but with time and effort, you can eventually pin the process down. One of the first things you should learn how to make is a sterling silver bangle. This is a common piece of jewelry that with the right amount of practice, you can master.
Although the steps are simple, this is a process that not only needs to practiced but perfected to get noticeable results. The first thing you need to make sure you have is the proper materials. You’ll need small hammers with rounded heads as to not damage the silver, and you’ll also need measuring tools to get the length you’re looking for in a bangle. The next thing you’ll need to do is take the bangle and form it into the shape you want. Although a round bangle is usually the way to go, you can make an oval shape to more tightly fit the wrist, or go with a teardrop shape that can also be made into a necklace potentially.