Autism is a neural development disorder which consists of impaired social interaction and communication, and restricted repetitive behavior. Until recently it was a relatively unknown condition that didn’t warrant much discussion, but fortunately more and more people are recognizing the seriousness, especially when it comes to dealing with autism in schools. Many children that have autism enroll in special needs schools where they specialize in working with learning disabilities. This is not always the case though as they are perfectly capable of attending traditional schooling most of the time. Here are three factors that should always be considered when dealing with autism in schools.
1.) Socially: First and foremost autism can be socially debilitating condition. Kids are mean to begin with, someone who’s a little different than normal is an easy target for school yard bullies. Approximately one in 50 school-aged children are diagnosed with autism, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). This age can be hard enough on kids, it’s important to get help for children with autism if they’re struggling to fit.
2.) Intellectually: When it comes to autism in schools, the classroom is the area teachers and administrators need to be especially concerned with. While it’s not always necessary some children with autism need special attention and even special education programs designed to help them succeed intellectually. Every child is different and there’s no one universal approach that will fit every kid with autism. The most important aspect is having patience and dedication to helping kids with autism in schools.
3.) Emotionally: While the previous categories are certainly important, perhaps no greater damage can be done to a person than that of emotional. Every child needs support and guidance to make it through school, but because of their impaired development children with autism are at especially high risks of becoming emotionally disinterested and depressed with their academic standing.