For those who are dedicated to learning at any stage of life, finding a new topic to research or a new skill to acquire can be an exciting adventure. From choosing what you plan to learn to find the best way to gain new knowledge, the process of educating yourself can be as fun as sharing new findings with friends and family over dinner conversations. While you might think of education as an activity that happens in the classroom at schools, universities, and online learning platforms, you can build your knowledge and skill set in any area in any setting that’s available to you.
College Isn’t the Only Way to Learn
For many people, affording higher education such as undergraduate courses in college may not be realistic. Thankfully, you don’t need to pay for college classes and attend university to further your knowledge of various subjects. Depending on your goals for learning, you might find it easier to learn within a college setting where you’ll be able to communicate with peers about what you’re learning and discover new ways of looking at problems within your field. Even so, it’s not necessary to go to college to make the most of your intellectual potential. Some areas of learning might benefit you the most if you can get the majority of your education in that field through hands-on experiences.
When you want to use your education to catapult you into a career that you love or get a promotion in your current field, you may need to rely on colleges, certification programs, and other formalized forms of learning. Even so, some colleges and universities allow students to apply for awarded credit if they can demonstrate that they have experience in an area of knowledge. Although credits that are awarded based on experience may cost you money, it could turn out to be cheaper than paying for a second set of undergraduate courses in a field where you have years of experience working.
Are You Ever Too Old to Learn Something New?
While you might have heard the old adage “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” the truth is that you’re almost never too old to learn new things. Even if you have cognitive or health concerns that make it more challenging for you to pick up new information, this barrier shouldn’t stop you from learning altogether. If you have a hard time absorbing fresh information quickly, you may need to pace yourself and digest the information before you move on to the next part of your desired field of study. Still, you can do anything you put your mind to doing if you stay positive and have a plan for how you’ll pick up information that is challenging or master skills that are more advanced than your current level of experience.

If you’re dedicated to learning skills that will benefit you in a tangible way, you can improve your financial literacy. Whether you have specific goals like learning how to do financing for land or you generally want to become better with budgeting, you will find that financial information is abundant these days on the internet and at the library in books or other materials. If you learn best in groups, you may want to take a workshop on financial literacy in your chosen area of expertise. For those who want to learn how to invest their money wisely in the stock market, there may be online courses or seminars that could help you get started. You could also try to find a mentor in the field of finance if you want to take your financial knowledge to the next level.
One of the best ways to learn about finance for free is by using online resources. When you look at blogs, YouTube channels, and podcasts that talk about finance, you can save money and acquire useful skills in addressing financial issues fast. Some financial skills like filing a tax return may benefit you in your everyday life.
If you want to make a career out of finance, you might need to take courses at a university to earn a degree in this field before you can land a job. Some jobs in finance may have low barriers to entry. For example, if you get a job as a teller at a bank, you might only need some customer service experience and a high school diploma or equivalent such as a GED. Alternatively, if you want to become a financial advisor or coach others to overcome their financial issues as a finance coach, you might need more knowledge and experience before you can start working in that field. Since everyone’s journey is different, you shouldn’t see an inability to qualify for certain jobs today as a barrier to trying to get the job you want in the future in the finance world as someone who is dedicated to learning.
Criminal Law
Even if you don’t intend to become a criminal defense attorney or pursue law school, learning about laws around criminal actions in your country can be a good idea if you’re dedicated to learning about legal studies. Some laws may be so complex that it would be hard for someone who has never practiced law or taken courses in legal studies to understand. Others might be simple enough that you could learn about them if you put the time and effort into educating yourself.
When you learn about criminal law, you can help yourself and your community. After all, the more you know about the laws, the more that you can avoid breaking them. What’s more, you may be able to use your knowledge to give basic advice to friends or family members if they find themselves on the wrong side of the judge’s gavel.
Learning about laws can be interesting if you enjoy the ideas of justice, fairness, and public policy. Depending on how much you want to pursue a career in law, you might need to save money to attend college for legal studies. Some of the folks who work in law have to get a doctorate degree so they can become an attorney. Others may be satisfied with working as a paralegal. If you settle into being a paralegal, you may only need an associate’s degree or a combination of experience in the legal field and a high school diploma or equivalent. To determine what educational path would be best to achieve your goals, you should speak with an academic advisor at the college where you plan to attend classes.
Mechanical Engineering
For those who are dedicated to learning difficult subjects, there are few areas of expertise more challenging than becoming a mechanical engineer. If you just use your mechanical engineering skills for hobbies like performing golf cart repairs on vehicles you own, you might not need to go to college to acquire these skills. On the other hand, if you intend to make your mechanical engineering knowledge a profitable business or career, you will probably need to have some level of formal education and certification to back up your level of experience. Engineering can take years of schooling before you’re ready to get out into the workforce and secure a job in this field, so it’s important to prepare for the long haul.
Laser Physics

Another way you can channel your love for a challenge when you’re dedicated to learning difficult subjects is by studying the physics that fuels laser marking companies. This field has a lot of applications. Maybe you can use lasers for your own projects!
The Stock Market
On a similar note to improve your level of financial literacy, you may want to scratch your itch for being dedicated to learning about money by researching best practices for Wall Street investing. If you’ve never tried to invest money before, you should start small and rely on resources you trust. Some folks begin investing by using online resources and apps that show you how to invest in a low-stakes environment. Before you start dumping all of your savings into the stock market, you should have an idea of how the stock market works. Without any understanding of the stock market and investing, you could become broke or even have to file for bankruptcy if you take on too much risk too quickly.
In simple terms, you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. Likewise, you shouldn’t expect investing to provide everything you need to survive on a financial level. While it can be fun to participate in the stock market and invest, you need to have some strategy to succeed in this area of finances. By listening to interviews, courses, and podcasts that feature the most successful stock market investors, you can learn a thing or two about investing.
Once you’re comfortable with how well you can navigate investing, you can apply the concepts you’ve learned by slowly easing your way into investing. As a rule, you shouldn’t invest money that you’d put into taking care of your basic needs. Additionally, if you have a family that relies on you for financial provision, you shouldn’t blow all of your family’s money on investing. No one gets an award for taking on the highest level of risk and it doesn’t always pay to play excessively in the stock market. Before you can make wise choices with investments, you need to have a solid foundation of understanding investing.
Real Estate
When you’re dedicated to learning a useful skill, real estate can be a great field to enter. From studying to earn your real estate license to brushing up on your knowledge of real estate when you keep thinking “I want to sell my house fast,” there are plenty of reasons why you might take up studying real estate. If you know a thing or two about real estate, you can either enter the field professionally or benefit yourself personally when it comes time to sell your home. As you try to buy a new house, you’ll also reap the benefits of studying real estate. Learning about real estate laws and processes can make you more confident in the home-buying process. When you’re confident as a potential home buyer, property sellers may be more likely to consider your offers and remember you as they review all of their potential buyers.
Fluid Dynamics

Being dedicated to learning about science has its perks. For example, you can study the dynamics of fluids and get into a career involving rainwater management. You can also devote your time to learning about other areas of natural science and get a job in a museum to share your love of this field. When you’re serious about studying the dynamics of fluids and other substances, it can help to get a degree in this field or continue your studies in a formal setting. This way, you can present research to others who are interested in this topic.
Since some folks are dedicated to learning about creative fields, learning how to take a good picture can be a relevant skill. You can even use your photography skills to earn a modest income by taking professional headshots and wedding photos on the side if you’re struggling financially. With cameras installed on most smartphones, you may have all the tools you need to get started.
Equine Science
Whether the smell of horse bedding sends your mind into a nostalgic trip down memory lane from a childhood spent in horse barns or you’ve never met a horse in real life, equine science provides plenty of opportunities for lifelong learning. Many folks who love horses start learning about them at an early age and then enter a career in equine medicine, equine therapy, or a related field after graduating from high school and secondary educational institutions.
Antique Appraisal

When you’re dedicated to learning about antiques, it can lead to fun careers later in life. For example, you could use your knowledge of antiques to become a pawn broker. Although this job may have specific educational requirements, learning about it for enjoyment can kickstart your career.
Regardless of your age, you can always learn to stimulate your mind. Young children can learn the basics. Once you advance in age, you can advance your knowledge of any topic or subject that tickles your fancy.