If your family member is just getting sober, they will have to go through a very difficult detox process. This is different for everyone, but it is difficult no matter what stage of substance abuse they were in. To learn about how to help them through the process, keep reading along.
One of the biggest things you can do for your loved ones is to be there for them. They’ll need support during this time, as they are going through withdrawal and don’t have their typical crutch.
This can be as simple as offering to pick up groceries or hanging out and playing games. Just ask your loved ones what they need during this time.
In addition to being supportive, you also need to be strong. Some people will experience a relapse during their detox or might try to. If you can, watch them carefully and try to limit any exposure to the substance that has afflicted them.
To learn more about detox, you should watch the video in this article. It provides some great insight into the medical aspect of detox from a doctor. Then, you’ll be able to help your loved one navigate this difficult process.