Taking A Closer Look Into The Growth Of Drone Usage All Throughout The United States

Taking A Closer Look Into The Growth Of Drone Usage All Throughout The United States

Drones have become more common, more highly used, than ever before, a claim that is supported by the research conducted into the subject. The results of this research are quite impressive, showing that there are now more than one million drones that have been registered with the FAA, as of the year of 2018. In the time that has passed us by since, it is certainly likely that this number has continued to grow, with commercial drones alone making up more than 5% (around 6%, to be just a bit more specific) of all drone sales that are made throughout the country.

But what are these drones used for? For one thing, personal use of drones is on the rise. Drones are frequently brought on vacations, as they are able to take footage that would not otherwise be possible. For many people taking exotic trips, drones provide the perfect tool for documentation, something that has proven very valuable for very many. Personal use of drones is mainly in regards to leisure, recreation, and relaxation. However, there are many other uses for drones out there.

For instance, drones can be used in the field of real estate, something that might not have been realized by many people. As a matter of fact, however, the world of real estate is quite heavily bolstered by drone usage. This is due to the fact that a 66% growth in total home sales can be seen when aerial pictures are brought into play and used as part of a home listing. And these aerial pictures are certainly best captured by drones.

Commercial use of drones can also be beneficial in the world of agriculture and farming. Typically, drones are used for surveying purposes – and are quite effective in this way. Data on the subject even shows that as many as 1,000 total acres of farmland are able to be surveyed in a single day when drones are used. This is far more than what could be accomplished in the same span of time before drones became so present and available in our world as we know it, to say the very least.

And construction drone services are also very much on the rise. More and more frequently, drones are being used in various construction sites, something that can increase the safety of said construction sites by as much as a full 55%. And this is no small feat, as construction workers already work a dangerous job. Reducing the risks that they face is hugely important and gives peace of mind to many. Therefore, we are only likely to see an increase in drone usage in this regard.

Because drones are so useful in so many different ways, the drones for schools program is becoming more and more common. Drones for schools program help to teach students the essential skills needed to operate a drone with hands on drone operation. For instance the drones for schools program provides the option for drone camera training, as well as for various other drone education services. Through the drones for schools program, drone training for high school students is becoming more and more commonplace. And it’s a good thing too, as drone training for high school students is something that is becoming more and more relevant. Through the drones for schools program, more and more students are getting access to a skill set that will serve them well in the years that are ahead of them. At the end of the day, it is this that makes the drones for schools program more and more necessary as time passes on.

Of course, there are certain regulations and restrictions with just about any kind of drone usage – and it is important to know about these restrictions and to follow them as closely as is possible. For instance, drones are typically not allowed to fly within five feet of any given airport. This helps to prevent any potential interference between planes and drones, something that could all too easily lead to disaster. In addition to this, any drone that weighs over half of a pound is legally required to be registered with the FAA.

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