In the United States, there are many fields of employment individuals can strive for. Some enter the field of education, the medical field, the law field, and the wide field of business. There is one industry that has seen an influx of people desiring to enter. This industry is the construction industry. In fact, a few years prior, 8.4 million individuals were employed within this industry. Since the construction industry continues to grow steadily as years progress, the steps to becoming a contractor in this field are highly important. At present, there are 210,000 jobs in this field with 30,000 being added. If you feel this is your purpose, there’s a spot for you. If you’re on the path to becoming a contractor in the construction industry within a certain state, here is what you need to know.
Arizona Registrar of Contractors
The Arizona Registrar of Contractors is essential if you want to be a contractor. This online website contains the key components and steps you need to develop, obtain, and thrive in this career. In addition, these steps are clear, intelligible, and manageable for all types of individuals. Here is what you’ll have to do to be a contractor.
Application: The first part of the eleven step process is visiting the Arizona Registrar of Contractors website. On this website you must obtain the Arizona contractor license application. Once you have this application, fill it out. Many individuals are required to fill this application out by hand as opposed to typing personal information on the computer.
Information: After filling out the application is it wise to educate yourself on information within the construction field. For example, you should know how long it will take you to enter this field, what types of construction projects you must complete, and the experience you must develop in order to be a contractor. Additionally, there are Nevada contractor license exams you must complete and pass. There are certain exams you have to pass in order to be considered for certain positions. Therefore, exams are important. If you want to engage in some contractors license prep, there are online resources for you. Also, if you would like more information about the exams you can find this at the Arizona Registrar of Contractors website.
Exams: For many exams within this field you must pass with a 70% or higher in order to receive your license. There are two specific exams you must take and pass. These exams are the business management exam, or the BME and the trade exam that is specific to the field. You have to register for each exam, of course. The registration information can be found on the Arizona Registrar of Contractors online site. You can also find information on which exams you should take, on this website.
Background: Once you pass your exams, it is time for you to pass a background check. This isn’t surprising, as most careers require you to undergo a background check before you are hired, or before you have your degree/certification/license. After getting your background check you have to submit the results in order to move on to the next step.
Register Yourself And More Forms: Once you’re set with your background check, you have to register yourself and for your license. You will also have to complete more forms, such as Project Verification forms and your License Application form. You will also need to fill out a certain amount of Experience Verification Forms depending on your position and your field.
It is important to note that all of the references to these forms are available on the Arizona Registrar of Contractors website.
Bonds: For bonds, it’s typically a license bond for the construction field and your future career. Some individuals do not need to submit this but you will if you are employed for a company, or are planning on being employed by a company. All of this information can be found on the website if you need assistance.
Fees, Identification, Complete: The last step is to pay fees, give them your identification and complete the application. After that, you’re all set for your career!