There are some things you can afford to be stingy on in life and then there are some things that you can’t. After all, everyone understands that the “crazy” coupon lady isn’t really that crazy after all — she’s just extremely smart, frugal, and resourceful with her money. Similarly everyone loves a good episode of the hit stingy television series “Extreme Cheapskates” because it’s kind of ridiculous to see exactly how stingy people can be in everyday life, but at the same time, it can be extremely insightful and you may even pick up a budgeting tip or two. Maybe being a miser makes you wiser with finances and money matters?
However there are just some things you cannot and should not compromise on in life, such as health care, quality food, a comfortable home, and of course, your child’s education. Although the public education system has come a long way in terms of improving the quality of the education provided to students, there is still plenty of room for improvement. As such, many parents opt to send their children to private schools in order to provide their children with a better chance of long term success in life.
This is especially true of parents of children with signs of autism or similar conditions, as the special education programs for children with special needs in public schools are almost always lacking. On the other had, private schools for children with learning disabilities are staffed with paraprofessionals and teachers that are well versed, trained, and experienced in working with learning disabilities. This creates a comfortable environment that’s conducive to learning, personal growth, development, acceptance, and empowerment.
Even if your child doesn’t have a learning disability, paying the money to send them to private school is well worth it. Think of it as an investment with an unlimited return! Sending your child to private school sets them up for a lifetime of success. Not to say that this isn’t possible if your child attends public school, but private schools typically offer a more stable environment that facilitates structure, learning, creativity, and self discovery. As much as children and teenagers may whine and gripe, they actually crave and need structure — one thing that private schools are excellent in providing.
Many times, the decision to send your child to private school isn’t always about the education. There are many experienced and dedicated that teach at public schools, however, getting an education involves a whole lot more than reading, ‘riing, and ‘rithmentic — also known as the three “r’s”. Many private schools also provide organic foods and an abundance of recess time.