Did you know that the college and university industry in the United States has increased by over 9% in the last five years? Working at a higher education institution is becoming a more popular career choice, and with approximately 1,837 colleges and universities throughout the country, there are many jobs available in these institutions. Whether working in a teaching position or in a college administration office, there is a wide variety of positions available to those interested in working for a college or university.
- Faculty Positions – Perhaps the most obvious employment opportunity at at college or university is teaching higher education. There are different levels of teaching positions available at higher education institutions, giving educators who are new to the field an opportunity to work their way up to a full time, tenured position. Adjunct teaching jobs are part time and temporary. While these jobs do not provide a high level of security, adjunct professors are not required to take on the administrative duties that full-time professors are. Assistant professors are usually entry level educators who are working towards a tenured position as an associate professor. Associate professors have typically earned greater scholarly achievements than assistant professors, but requirements vary from school to school. Finally, a full-time professor is one who has much experience in the field and has received tenure.
- Administrative Positions – College administration jobs can also vary quite a bit. In fact, these positions are often the next step for a full-time professor looking for advancement. These types of administrative jobs include department chairs, department dean or department provost. On the other end are jobs in administrative offices on a college campus, including financial aid, student records and academic affairs. These types of college administration positions don’t require the same level of education or accomplishments as chair, dean and provost positions.
- Coaching Positions – Another type of job offered at higher education institutions are college coaching jobs. Depending on the division of a school’s sports teams, and the reputation their sport’t program has, these positions can be very prestigious and highly competitive. Division one colleges usually look for coaches with much coaching experience and vast knowledge of a specific sport, whereas division three colleges are often easier to obtain a coaching position.
These are just a few of the many job opportunities that higher education institutions have to offer. These types of jobs can be very competitive, and most come with great benefit packages. Even if you are not interested in teaching, there may be a great college or university job out there for you.